Sunday, 24 January 2016

⋙: JS101: JavaScript for Beginners by Kirupa Chinnathambi

JS101: JavaScript for Beginners by Kirupa Chinnathambi

JS101: JavaScript for Beginners

JS101: JavaScript for Beginners by Kirupa Chinnathambi PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book assumes you have no knowledge of how to work with JavaScript, but by the time you reach the last page, you'll be slicing, dicing, and uppercutting your way through lines of code like a ninja. You will start with the basics and gradually make your way to the more advanced topics. Along the way, you'll find that each chapter is beautifully presented in black and white (just like the classics...your grandparents read) with cleanly explained concepts, practical code snippets, and totally sweet illustrations that help you visualize what is going on.
Now, JavaScript is a bit odd, and sometimes you may need a hand. If you ever get stuck or need a group of friendly people to help you out with your animation-related issues, get free online support, demos, video tutorials, and other good stuff at:

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JS101: JavaScript for Beginners by Kirupa Chinnathambi EPub

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