A treatise that is both informative and entertaining, Understanding Tree Law is the first in-depth treatment of this often contentious and confusing area of law. Written by the country’s leading expert in the litigation and mediation of tree and neighbor disputes, this handbook provides practitioners with a comprehensive explanation of all aspects of tree law, including view obstructions, damage from falling trees and limbs, nuisance from hazards, debris and roots, injury from tree failures, ownership versus encroachment, trespass and wrongful cutting of trees, and appraisal of trees that have been damaged or removed. Because it’s never about the trees, the author reveals an insider’s perspective on tips and strategies for resolving clients’ matters by identifying, understanding, and defusing the psychological underpinnings that often plague these disputes. Beyond providing black letter law, Understanding Tree Law offers a unique approach toward problem solving, starting with the proposition that attorneys are first and foremost “counselors at law.” This socially responsible philosophy reminds us that law, like medicine, can and should be a healing profession.About the Author
Barri Kaplan Bonapart is a veteran attorney considered to be one of the nation’s foremost experts in tree law. In addition to her speaking engagements throughout the country and numerous published articles related to this contentious area of the law, she has been a featured guest on various television and radio programs. Although she is recognized as a formidable advocate and accomplished trial attorney, Ms. Bonapart is most passionate about her role as peacemaker. To that end, she is a respected mediator and arbitrator, specializing in helping parties resolve a wide variety of emotionally charged disputes. For more information, please see her ADR web site, www.got-peace.com, and her legal web site, www.treelaw.com.
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