DaVinci's Baby Boomer Survival Guide: Live, Prosper, and Thrive In Your Retirement (Davinci Guides) by Barbara Rockefeller, Nick J. Tate
DaVinci's Baby Boomer Survival Guide: Live, Prosper, and Thrive In Your Retirement (Davinci Guides) by Barbara Rockefeller, Nick J. Tate PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Authors Barbara Rockefeller and Nick Tate team up to craft this comprehensive, easy-to-understand guide that covers all necessary financial, healthcare, and lifestyle- related considerations, like:
Optimal retirement age and Social Security filing strategy
Intelligent investing
Housing and reverse mortgages
Wills and trusts
Long-term healthcare and Medicare
Staying healthy, both mentally and physically
Best places to live based on income, and much more...
Don’t leave the best years of your life to chance retire in comfort with the help of DaVinci’s Baby Boomer Survival Guide proven and sound advice.
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